Looking for some fun costumes that start with E? I have compiled all the most unique and fun costumes starting with E on this page. These costumes are great for Halloween or an E themed party, book week or any fancy dress event.
There is something for everyone in your household – for all ages and sizes, as well as fun pet costumes and couple costume ideas too.
I’ve even got some great low-key costume ideas for those that like getting dressed up but don’t want to be over the top.
Read on to see heaps of fun costumes that start with an e for men, women, children, babies, pets and couples.
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Costumes that Start with E
Many of the costumes starting with E in this article can be purchased and there are lots of ideas for a DIY costume as well.
The categories of costumes that start with E include: things, celebrities, historical figures, characters, food, animals, colors, jobs and more. You’ll find some fun pictures throughout the lists that can be clicked on for more details of the costume.
Things Starting the Letter E
- Earth
- Easter Egg
- Ears
- Eyeball
- Emoji
- Eggplant Emoji
- Electricity
- Easel
- Eighties
- Error 404
- Earmuffs
- Eggcup
- Eggbeater
- Eggwhisk
- Elevator
- Envelope
- Eraser
- Escalator
- Extractor
- Extinguisher
- Eyepatch
- Eyeglasses
- Eyewash
Celebrities that Start with E
- Elvis Presley
- Elon Musk
- Eminem
- Eddie Murphy
- Ethan Hawke
- Emilio Estevez
- Emily Blunt
- Elizabeth Taylor
- Elizabeth Hurley
- Elisabeth Shue
- Elizabeth Montgomery
- Ed O’Neill
- Eric Clapton
- Elijah Wood
- Ellen DeGeneres
- Edward Norton
- Eva Longoria
- Eva Mendes
- Enrique Iglesias
- Enya
- Eazy-E
- Ed Sheeran
- Emma Watson
- Elizabeth Olsen
- Emma Stone
- Evan Peters
- Elton John
- Emma Thompson
- Emilia Clarke
- Eddie Vedder
- Ewan McGregor
- Elle Fanning
- Eric Bana
- Etta James
- Errol Flynn
- Ed Harris
- Eva Gabor
- Elle Macpherson
Famous and Historical Costumes Starting with E
- Eve (Biblical)
- Queen Elizabeth
- Ernest Hemingway
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Emily Dickinson
- Edmund Hillary
- Evel Knievel
- Erin Brockovich
- Evita Peron
- Emma (Wiggles)
- Enid Blyton
- Einstein
- Eisenhower
- Elizabeth 1 of England
- Edward VI of England
Evel Knievel Costume
- Edgar Allan Poe
Characters that Start with E
- Edward Scissorhands
- ET
- Easter Bunny
- Elf
- Ewok (Star Wars)
- Elaine Benes (Seinfeld)
- Eggman
- Elvira
- Ernie
Cartoon Characters Costumes That Start with E
- Elmo
- Elsa
- Elastic Girl
- Elmer Fudd
- Ebenezer Scrooge
- Earl (The Good Dinosaur)
- Evil Queen (Snow White)
- Eugene Crabs (Sponge Bob)
- Eric Cartman (Southpark)
- Emmet (The Lego Movie)
Foods that Start with the Letter E
- Elderberry
- Éclair
- Easter Egg
- Eggnog
- Egg Salad
- Enchilada
- Eggplant
- Espresso
- Egg
- Escargot
Jobs that Start with E
- Engineer
- Economist
- Exercise Instructor
- Electrician
- Emergency Room Doctor
Sports that Start with E
- E-sports
- Equestrian
- Endurance Racing
- Elephant Polo
- Endurance Running
- Eight Ball
Couple Costumes that Start with E
- Eggs and Bacon
- Ear Buds
- Electricity
- Electric Shock
- Electricity Poles
Pet Costumes that Start with E
- Elvis
- Elephant
- Ewok
- Ernie (Sesame Street)
- Einstein
- Elmo
- Elf
Baby Costumes Starting with E
- Elephant
- Elf
- Elmo
- Elvis
Colors Starting with E
- Emerald Green
- Eggplant Purple
- Eclipse
- Earnstead
- Eucalyptus
Why not wear something in a color starting with E like a eggplant morphsuit?
Animals Starting with Letter E
- Elephant
- Emu
- Eagle
- Eel
- Echidna
- Elk
- Earthworm
- Elephant Seal
Countries Beginning with E
- Egypt
- Ethiopia
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
Find all the costumes starting with E (pictured in this article – and more) that are available for purchase right here.
Not wanting to go all out but still want to dress up? T-shirts like these can be a great option.
Don’t miss our other fun costume ideas below for other letters:
Big Guy Halloween Costume Ideas
Dress Up Party Themes for Adults
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